Before you head out for break, here are a few things you can do to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home as warmer temperatures arrive:
- Activate Power Management on your computer to a sleep mode feature so it automatically goes to sleep when you're not using it. ENERGY STAR® estimates you can save you up to $30 each year on your electricity bills by using this feature. Save even more by turning your computer off.
- Close blinds to keep the heat out
- Keep the AC at 78 degrees during the summer and 68 degrees during the winter
- Use the ceiling fan instead of AC
- Keep AC fan on "auto" to help regulate the temperature
- Adjust your thermostat when you aren't home or leaving for breaks
- Turn off lights when leaving your unit
- Run the washer/dryer at night, during the day is peak time for electric usage
- Open windows during the cooler times instead of running your AC
- Have vents closed for areas within the apartment not being used
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